Monday, August 15, 2011

Meeting with the Epilepsy Expert.

We began our day today with a visit to the GI doctor.  Everything is wonderful in that area, and Dr. Rosenblum cut Levi's Nexium in half!  The less meds the better, in my opinion.

Our neurology visit was great as well.  We saw Dr. Chrusciel (our favorite) and the epilepsy expert, Dr. Gibbons.  We liked him immediately.  They were both able to watch the video Patrick took of Levi's seizures before our appointment.  We were glad they found that and the seizure history I drew up helpful.  It's a good thing we had the video, because Mr. Levi only had one seizure the whole time we were there.  Go figure.

The plan now is to start Banzel tomorrow and begin weaning both Keppra and Clonazepam.  If Banzel works, then we will eventually wean Phenobarbital and Topamax.  If this is the case, then by Christmas Levi will be on only one seizure medicine!  I pray this works, I'm so ready for the seizures to go away.  I'd like to see this little guy's true personality.

So our day was a raging success, and we are looking forward to beginning Banzel tomorrow.  Please pray with us that this is the one that will STOP these seizures, and quickly!  Thanks for all your continued prayers for Levi!

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