Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Yesterday afternoon Levi spiked a fever or 100.8.  He was breathing rapidly and obviously uncomfortable.  Tylenol only brought it down slightly, and after a couple hours it rose to 102.9. Advil did a better job, and Levi was able to sleep for 4 hours uninterrupted, probably the longest he's slept since we've been here.  He woke up crying, hot, and feeling miserable.  Nothing I did soothed him.  Thankfully, he was able to have another dose of Advil and he's sleeping peacefully now.  He spent most of the night whimpering in his sleep.  Poor little guy!

The GI doctor feels that it is an infection of some sort, and the fever supports that theory, even though all the tests have been normal.  We are still waiting for his next bowel movement so the remaining two stool tests can be performed.  They are repeating the CBC blood test to check white blood cell count, and when he spikes a fever again they will do a blood culture.  The doctor said it will be a lot of hurry up and wait, but that's okay.  She knows I don't care how long it takes, I don't want to leave without a solution this time.  I think she's determined to find out what's wrong.  Please continue to lift him up in your prayers, and share to others.  I know God is working through this situation, even when we can't easily see it. 


  1. He will be ok. My baby girl have the similar problems and it has only the adaptation to the g-tube. My prayers for you and big Lynn

  2. It helps to hear from someone who has been there. Thanks so much, hope your daughter is doing well!
