Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So Far So Good

Levi is still doing well on the diet.  He doesn't seem to like the food, but he does tolerate it and is eating everything at each meal now.  The seizures have gone up some, but are still slightly less than when we started the diet.  He is still so much more alert than he used to be, and happy!  He smiles all the time.  His head control has grown by leaps and bounds!  He gives us kissed, moves his arms and kicks his legs, plays and looks at the toys on his gym, successfully gets his hand to his mouth to chew or suck on, and more!  We have noticed that he is maneuvering the trunk of the elephant on his gym into his mouth.  It's too cute!  Although he doesn't yet grasp toys, he does touch them repeatedly.  We have been on the ketogenic diet for only two weeks, and I'm amazed at the strides he's making developmentally.  I'm excited to see where he'll go from here!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear he is making progress and getting better. No more seizures in Jesus name!

    Sue Seibel
