Thursday, November 24, 2011

Med Changes

We had a visit with the neurologist yesterday and were very pleased with the outcome.  He's gained so little weight in the last few months that they decided to take Topamax down from 6 pills twice a day to 4 pills twice a day, over the next two weeks.  While we are doing that, we need to double clonazepam in the evening to help stabilize the seizures.  We began the wean last night, and he slept all night for the first time in a couple weeks.  He was much more alert today and didn't take as many naps.  Even more exciting, he actually ate a complete meal for lunch!  It's been difficult to even get a couple ounces of formula down him between breakfast and dinner, and today he drank 7 ounces of formula, 1 ounce of pedialyte, and his first Thanksgiving meal, which consisted of dressing (he didn't like it!), Texas taters, sweet potato casserole, and cranberries!  That's a lot of positive changes much earlier than we expected!  Our neurologist is consulting the epilepsy expert and will contact us on Monday with a new med plan. It looks like we may be starting Depakote soon.  Please pray for wisdom for us and the doctors as we make decisions concerning new meds and weaning current ones.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I hope you all did as well!  As always, we thank you for your continued prayer and pray blessings on you as well!  Happy Thanksgiving!

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