Wednesday, January 9, 2013

In the Hospital Again

So as you know Levi's tummy troubles have continued on, so far with no answers or solutions.  On Monday we had an appointment with Dr. Rosenblum, his GI doctor, and decided to discontinue Miralax and begin Milk of Magnesia, with an enema every 3 days if he hasn't had a bowel  movement.  Yesterday we gave him an enema that yielded no results.  The enema itself didn't even come back out, let alone any stool.  This morning he retched and vomited watery red blood.  Not blood tinged formula, just blood.  This frightened me enough to rush right over to Cardinal Glennon.  He is receiving IV fluids with no feeds today.  I was told the x-ray showed an impaction.  This is new.  Usually all the x-ray shows is a lot of fluid in the intestines.   We haven't seen the attending GI doctor, and don't expect to until the morning.  Levi was smiling and pretty happy considering everything he's going through, until it came time to start the IV.  It took four tries before they found a good vein.  He's such a trooper!  He smiled through the entire first stick, but when they scrubbed his other hand he knew what was coming and threw a fit!  Poor little guy!  He's been uncomfortable since then.  Right now he's resting in bed, drifting in and out of sleep. 

Please God, just show the doctors what the problem is and how to fix it!!!  Levi has been dealing with these issues for five months now.  Please pray for breakthrough, answers, and solutions!!


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