Levi has not had a bowel movement on his own (without an enema) since December 9. I feel like we are back to square one. I've tried administering Miralax in different ways, at different times of the day, in various amounts of water, but to no avail. It doesn't seem to be working at all anymore. In fact, it seems to only make his tummy grumble painfully and promote gas pains that make him scream until we vent his tube. By this time he is so exhausted he takes a long nap.
The new frightened/pained screaming that I mentioned in an earlier post has continued, sometimes very frequently. I've been watching him closely and believe that it is in response to pain. Most often just after he cries in that manner his tummy grumbles. And I don't mean it grumbles like he's a little hungry. It grumbles as if a storm is brewing inside his intestines. You can hear it, see it, and feel it. But it doesn't resolve with a bowel movement.
The poor little guy squirms around in some level of discomfort most of the day. We are back to holding him most of the day because he doesn't feel well.
I tried to call the GI doctor yesterday but unfortunately they were closed for the holiday. I will call him first thing in the morning and let him know all this new information. I'm hoping to throw away what we have been doing so far and begin a new plan. I'd like to try a stimulant laxative. We'll see what the doctor says. In the meantime he can use all the prayer you can send his way. Something has to be done, he's been going through this since August!! Thanks in advance for praying for Levi!!
The new frightened/pained screaming that I mentioned in an earlier post has continued, sometimes very frequently. I've been watching him closely and believe that it is in response to pain. Most often just after he cries in that manner his tummy grumbles. And I don't mean it grumbles like he's a little hungry. It grumbles as if a storm is brewing inside his intestines. You can hear it, see it, and feel it. But it doesn't resolve with a bowel movement.
The poor little guy squirms around in some level of discomfort most of the day. We are back to holding him most of the day because he doesn't feel well.
I tried to call the GI doctor yesterday but unfortunately they were closed for the holiday. I will call him first thing in the morning and let him know all this new information. I'm hoping to throw away what we have been doing so far and begin a new plan. I'd like to try a stimulant laxative. We'll see what the doctor says. In the meantime he can use all the prayer you can send his way. Something has to be done, he's been going through this since August!! Thanks in advance for praying for Levi!!
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