Sunday night Levi's belly had become distended again. He was bearing down and crying all night long, but couldn't pass anything. We came into the ER at Cardinal Glennon. They gave him an enema (something I wouldn't have done on my own since he'd just had a rectal biopsy) and had huge results from that. We were admitted and saw I think the only GI attending physician that we haven't seen before. He explained they have done all testing they think is necessary and unfortunately we just have to wait this out with the plan of Miralax/enemas until he starts going on his own. I didn't want to hear that, but since all the GI docs agree on that, it must be true. So my most pressing point, then, was what do we do to keep him comfortable in the meantime, while we are waiting. He fusses and sleeps all the time, he's in pain, he doesn't smile anymore. He said to give Benadryl. I don't like to make him sleep all the time, but it does make him comfortable, so I will just have to be ok with that. He also talked about a different laxative that can be given, called an irritant laxative, that would help the rectum to contract. The strange thing is that even though he hadn't pooped in almost a week, the x-ray showed almost no stool. He said it's possible that because it's so watery it's being expelled with his urine. Now today we have a different attending GI doctor, and he doesn't want to go with the new laxative. We are being sent home today on the same plan as before, with a suppository or enema scheduled every few days if he hasn't stooled.
Now for the exciting news! This morning at 4 he pooped all on his own! Several times he has passed gas! I'm praying this is almost over!
I believe everything happens for a reason. I met a lovely lady today who shared with me her desire to join mission work. She wants to be the hands and feet of Jesus. If we had not been here, we may never have met. It was such a blessing to share our faith and to be touched by such a caring spirit!
Now for the exciting news! This morning at 4 he pooped all on his own! Several times he has passed gas! I'm praying this is almost over!
I believe everything happens for a reason. I met a lovely lady today who shared with me her desire to join mission work. She wants to be the hands and feet of Jesus. If we had not been here, we may never have met. It was such a blessing to share our faith and to be touched by such a caring spirit!