Thursday, October 25, 2012

Heading Home Today!

I am so excited to finally get out of here and go to my lovely home!  I've missed it so much!  When we left the leaves on the trees were just starting to turn, and now the majority of them have fallen.  Looking forward to rocking Levi on the porch swing and watching the squirrels steal apples off the ground.  I think Levi will feel better at home, too.  He knows now when they pull his finger out that he will be stuck, when they mess with his IV that they will flush it, which he hates, and I'm hoping he will relax and start to smile again when we get home.

The results of the biopsy for Hirschsprung's have still not come back.  It should be this afternoon or tomorrow morning.  The doctor wanted to keep us until the results were back, but took pity on me and let us go home.  If it is positive, we will schedule surgery and come back for that.  If it is negative, the plan at home is to go on with continuous feeds, start daily Miralax again at a higher dose, and pray to GOD that his bowels start up again.  If that fails, then we can look at medication for motility of the bowels. (Some doctors are against it, some are for, but thankfully the docs we will be seeing will prescribe it if necessary.)  This makes me feel better.  To me, it means that if Plan A doesn't work, there is a plan B.  It's not ideal, but it is what it is.  I just pray that we don't revisit the cycle of gagging/vomiting/no pooping. 

From a neurological standpoint, we will go up slightly on Baclofen, which is the medication that loosens his tight muscles, caused by cerebral palsy.  We have noticed a tremendous difference so far!  This med can cause more seizures, and we have seen increased seizure activity, but he's been through so much that can also be the cause that for now I'm not worried about it, we'll just continue to monitor him.  I'm praying that it does not increase his seizures, because it makes such an amazing difference!  I'm sure he will have an easier time in therapy, and learning to reach for toys, crawl, etc now that he has more flexibility in his limbs. 

Please continue to pray for Levi, that his bowels will work regularly again, that the seizures again decrease, that he feels better and can be happy again.  We haven't seen a smile from him since the day after we got here, almost three weeks ago.  Thank you so much for following his blog and supporting us with your prayers.  We are praying for you, too!   I know the Lord is with us every step of the way, and you all help to make that happen!  You will never know just how dearly we appreciate you!



  1. So glad you he gets to go home today! Still praying!


  2. I wanted to come and see you but I don't want to give any sickness to little levi. That's the last thing he needs. Glad your home :) love u!

  3. Sarah, thanks for your prayers! Casey, I understand :)
